Though hopefully still not for a few more months.
But when they do come, we'll have a place for them to sleep comfortably.
One down, one to go.


It was a very strange feeling to walk by the room and see two cribs set up. It felt surreal and real and unreal all at the same time.
Since the cribs have gone up I've had time to get use to seeing them in there when I pass by.
I don't know if it ever becomes "normal" to think of things in two's, but I'm getting better.
I just keep thinking about all the times I'll open that nursery door and see two little boys smiling back at me.
Or guiltily hiding a Sharpie they found and created new wallpaper with.
Either way, I'm looking forward to it all.
Never one to miss a chance for nesting, the rest of the nursery is coming together slowly but surely. We've got bedding being made, gliders vying for our attention and books that just need some shelves. More photos soon!